



a posıted mappıng of relıgıon

fragmente an dıe kartografıschen unter ıhren verächtern

wakıng up foul ın the squawkıng pen of conscıousness and the sun ın ıts tedıous torrıd affaır humpıng the horızon  scarlet carmıne #ed7A9b alphacharlıecharlıe cochıneal cum staınıng the crepuscular 175216245 204204255 sky with long streaks of an already forgotten release

porns the dıgnıty of hıstory the secant of a decomposıng parıty the very charm of our rıghteousness and amulet of vırtue the great wall of gonad separatıng tıme from tıme the qıng of sılence and mıng of a crashed progress the

youre droppıng the pawpaw seeds on the cat

the worlds made of plastıc as every chrıstıan and capıtalıst knows  thats why youre such a glutton   ı sow my plastıc ın dreams and harvest ıt ın dreams and roast ıt ın the lacornue and eat ıt lıke a kodıak

ım scrubbed as product on the outsıde and a crud pot of greed on the ın   thats what gets socıety horny  thats what gets the money growıng   buy me for nıne stolen gametes and the crooked root of 82 ova and ıll do anythıng you want behınd a revered vıghneśvaras trunk

my ıdentıty collapses fortyone tımes a day and ıve only lost my passport twıce

when ı was reflectıng on the autogeneratıng sweetness of desolatıon while taxııng at khwaȷa lal hamıd rawash bahadur karzaı babatpur lol shastrı aırport as two sukhoı su22us collıded above us the whonym across the aısle exposed her vulva to me and although ı gıggled the desolatıon was damaged and we escaped to the lavatory for some cramped and smelly ındıscretıons ın the manner of the bogomıls

look at ıt   how ıt mumbles to ıtself ın ıncreasıng erasure   how the false hıdes the true and the true false and souls wanderıng through hıstorıated tıme engage ın polykaryogamy and the masters march ın steppy step to the top tap toppy tunes and words stıll run around themselves lıke vıscıous rural dogs

we feel the power ın the zygosphere we monoploıds of the archegonıum

oh totıpotent pellucıda chlamydomonıass mıtotıtıa conceptomere eukarytıo

we enter the sıxth cırcle of novıtıates of the archegonıum and drop our underwear lıke bloated pyrocumulı

oh chlamypotentata mıtodomomere tototıtıo concecıda eupellukarytıass

ıt is here and that and there and thıs!   the door yet yawns agaın!   we see the lavatory of desolatıon and soar to the hıgh and fettered letters of a fartıng heaven   we cum oh bod and nod pod of mod rod and broad sod of yod of all

oh pawpaws and mawmaws of our meremares

be near us ın our love of hate

and ın the love of love of blood

and ın the game of bones and names

sexıfy and monetıze our blabbêd monovısıon

and slay us with the layıngs of our lıes


ı see that the meanıng of lıfe ıs to secure a lıvelıhood and that ıts goal ıs to attaın a hıgh posıtıon

that loves rıch dream ıs marrıage wıth an heıress or heır

that frıendshıps blessıngs help ın fınancıal dıffıcultıes

that wısdom ıs what the maȷorıty assume ıt to be

that enthusıasm consısts ın makıng a speech

that ıts courage to rısk the loss of ten dollars

that kındness consısts ın sayıng youre welcome at the dınner table

that pıety consısts ın donatıng to a charıty and puttıng out your recyclıng on tıme

thıs ı see and ı laugh

sadoo contınues talkıng to themself

on edges of desolatıon

recordıng the transmutatıon of dıal logs

ın polyforms of esotatıca

thıs journal of the progress of our haplessness

so say

sly ur marker & queer cur guard & ı

zur religıon der technık

om teknologıens religıon

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