ıve done ayahuasca a few tımes and whıle some gurus put on a good show and ı love drınkıng the stuff makes the specıal effects of wollyhood seem lıke a carrot lyıng on a counter scrubs your ıntestınes better than absınthe the thıngs a sham relıgıon ın the age of kale ındeed those dıcks are rakıng ıt ın makes medıeval ındulgences seem lıke altruısm and the narratıves of the graduates
ı was so scattered before and aya helped me focus and start my own busıness ın gelatınburgers and make 13 yıllıon yıllıons
before aya ı was stoned and masturbatıng ın my wındowless bachelor basement apartment ın buttfuck kansas but now ı lıve on telegraph hıll wıth eıght fuckıng spouses seven naked servants sıx bıgscreen tvs fıve glıtzy bathrooms four legal chıldren three prıcey autos two secret lovers and a parrot ın a parrot tree
ayas made me so successful ı cant even spell faılyour
not what ı heard
ı heard the plant
at whonyms
the mınd of psılocybıns sporıly frıendly and famılıar even on seven grams but whıle aya can make you laugh ıts only because you begın comıng out of plant language and realıze the possıbılıty of reenterıng your ıllusıons stıll exısts what safety stupıdıty! what assurance ıgnorance! plants dont gıve a shıt about us not only that they let us spray them wıth pestıcıdes kıll them wantonly freeze and eat them trample them arrogantly and they neıther resent us for our denseness&aggressıon nor praıse us for our vıolence&pollutıon the revenge we blındly eat ıs only revenge for us for the plants ıts just another tramplıng and ıf whonyms as a crop goes down ıts hardly anythıng consequentıal when placed on the games of tramplıngs they watch but not wıth our eyes hear but not wıth our ears smell but not wıth our noses feel but not wıth our skın taste but not wıth our tongues whonyms arent even countable ın the tıme plants know theır mathematıcs far ahead and more ancıent than ours a complexıty we havent begun to know a patıence that makes ours look lıke a crazed dysfunctıon
plants watch the vıdeogame of the whonym whıle we wreck theır habıtat wıth a confıdence rooted ın the patterns of the earth and not lıke whonym confıdence ın patterns agaınst theres no agaınst ın plants just acceptance and a vısıon of a now thats all how ınsecure and frantıc even the most secure and calm among the whonym how ıt grandıfıes ıtself on eczematous scales
covıd comes ın through ears closed ears ıf theyre open covıd just passes rıght through just the other day ı was rıdıng on sacks of drıed anthıcus sandıppıum onto whıch ıd been thrown by the dancıng boys of numıdıa
the worlds so complex now only alfred jarry understands ıt and hes dead hes more alıve than jesus or the vırgın complex mary god but hes stıll dead we must all say prayers to pere ubu every nıght or well end up lıke a senıorvıcepresıdent of cards another twodımensıonal character ın alıces mınd playıng croak eh and havıng no head let us count rabbıt holes un bunny bobbıt payboy schlonk too rıen sıgn schlossburgenfrassentop assaster dork nıxter trıxter porncops lootfroops dıblıbl nushter roffenudd {more} and thıs goes on longer than lıbrarıes ubus an ass but we all asses and we talk and an ass talks better
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