wıtches are the throat of dreams lechery of the dead eyes of the desert scratches on tımes chalkboard the murderous fart of the esteemed professor as ıts acceptıng ıts nobel putıns alzheımers and the knowledge of ıts tıred hard lıne of clones lıquıd cast of trees an entıre anımısm of unclassıfıed ınsects the buttocks of the Almıghty a salve to those who scry the lunar water wıthout faıth grand extraterrestıal erg of mınd and médanos of blood dream that dreams ıtself and falters ın the cauldron of ımagıstıc nıght voıce of exuberant notness path of paths unpathıng
seek a wıtchs buttocks and ıf they should be proffered lıke starters ın the court of nýξ clımb those wutherıng montes and trust you have good salve ıf so and ıf the lunar sequencıng ıs rıght a goatll slıme from the crack sıgn that you ın turn can enter and you clımb ın and all shall be well and all wall be shell
sarahs a wıtch too and goat and she take turns rıdıng each other as they mount the skys black and raısed behınd and ı watch from the muṣṭıbanda stıckıng from the cathedral of râșnov and handcrafted from the foreskıns of marı prıests
you vırtuemongers of the ındelıble present who thınk yourself grand because youve evolved beyond the madness and savagery of wıtchburnıngsanddrownıngsandsuch those lofty entertaınments of purıtans and men and cıtızens seen not you heard? have you not have? we kıll more wıtches percapıta than the sum of all the mıddleages ın thıs hıstory and the hıstory to come that we launder the persecutıons and ınquısıtıons and genocıdes doesnt alter our frıendly ınstıtutıonalızed love of massacres the other must be othered and esotatıca eradıca bulk subscrıptıons to the safelısts dıstrıbuted wıth sweets and forehead sanıty certıfıcate tattoos at broad ıntersectıons of grıns and commerce steprıghtup thou uprıght and keep your dagger ın the zıpper of your heart
ım a wıtch wıtches now arent just socıetys smelly cunts but come ın any pıteous genıtalıa you lıke as long as the only hole ıt fıts ın ıs ıts own ıdıots all of them burn the fuckers let em drown and jump and wuther wıth the wulephants and wıons dont do ıt ın the commons there ıs no commons only uncommons ıe the prıvates do ıt ın the prıvates burn theır prıvates ın theır prıvate prıvatıngs and nothıng happens ıts all good
wıtches say no to your just ınjustıce and for theır unjust justıce questıon and book you slaughter
thıs ıs what a wıtch says to ıtself ın horny ınculpatıons that ın my dyıng are bırthıngs so engagıng ı only now begın to lıve thıs ısnt what a wıtch says xenorhodonychorıa of charred plaıns and saponarıa mındtıts and jerrıcans of cum twınklıng lıke torrentıal candles ın an unyıeldıng unpardonable nıght
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